Couples Live-In Care

Ensuring that loved ones can stay together while accessing the care they deserve.

Live-In Care
for Couples

It is an unfortunate reality that when a couple decides to move into a care home, it is unlikely that they will be able to remain by one another’s side. Likely, they will have different care needs, and this will require them to be care for separately – potentially placed in different units or areas of the home. Many care homes don’t even offer shared accommodation, which can be devastating for couples who have spent so much of their lives living by one another’s side.

Live-in care can be a wonderful option for couples who are looking to receive care without having to separate from one another. Being apart from your significant other can be detrimental to health and wellbeing, so ensuring that you both receive the personalised care you need whilst remaining in close quarters is often the best option for all involved.

How Does Couples
Live-In Care Work?

Live-in care looks different for everybody, and when both people in a relationship require care every situation is made all the more unique. Round the clock care and support ensures that your loved ones receive all the support they need, and your care companion will be able to tailor their care to best suit their customers. Having somebody around who knows the ins and outs of both customers’ health and needs is going to be an ease on the entire family. You can rest easy knowing that both your loved ones are cared for, and together.

The inclusions of these services entirely depend on what your loved ones need from support services. A care companion is able to take care of many domestic tasks to keep a household running, including cleaning, cooking, and caring for pets. Likewise, they are qualified to care for the health of your loved ones, offering whatever unique care they need. This may involve organising trips out into the local community, administering medication, bathing, continence support, helping to stand/move around the house, and monitoring health symptoms. Whatever it is your loved ones individually need, a care companion can provide.

The Benefits of Couples Live-In Care

Why choose live-in care for your loved ones? With so many care services available, it can be tricky to know what option works best for your family. Here are a few of the key benefits live-in care can offer for couples:

Staying Together

For couples that have been living together for so long, it can be devastating to have to leave your shared house to enter a care home with a number of other individuals. Having an option that provides quality care and support whilst allowing loved ones to stay together is vital.

The Comfort of Home

There are plenty of benefits to care homes, but it can ultimately be very overwhelming for somebody to completely uproot their entire lives to receive the care they need. Live-in care services allow for the comforting familiarity of home to remain, with personal items, pets, and memories all around to keep customers happy.

Carer-Customer Relationships

With so many residents living in care homes, care companions often don’t get the chance to build personal bonds. In a live-in care situation, the carer will know both of your loved ones well, supporting them in all the ways they need and creating a care plan that works best for them.

Tailored Care

Every couple has their routines and habits. Living in a care home often doesn’t allow for these to remain intact, instead conforming to the schedules of the larger community. With live-in care, services can look however your loved ones need them to. Care companions offer all the personalised support required, with a flexibility you can’t find in other environments.

Contact Us to
Find a Live-In Carer

Is couples live-in care the right option for your family? Reach out to the Guardian Live-In Care team to discuss your situation and allow us to support and guide you through this important transition.

Meet Your Couples
Live-In Care Team

Guardian Live-In Care provides care to households across the Grampian and Tayside areas. Our team is comprised entirely of local carers, all familiar with the location and the lifestyle that comes along with it. All are trained and qualified to provide a wide variety of services customisable to the needs of your loved ones, ensuring they remain comfortable and happy every day. These services might includes medication regulation, or mobility, continence, and emotional support services.

Frequently Asked
Questions About
Couples Live-In Care

Couples live-in care involves a trained care companion coming into the home to provide care for a couple, supporting both of them from the familiar environment of their own home.

There are many reasons somebody may need the help of a live-in care companion, whether that’s specific conditions such as dementia or a general loss of ability with age. Any couple looking for care who wishes to remain in the comfort of their own home may benefit from couples live-in care. Importantly, both partners get the opportunity to remain together, which can play an impactful role in overall happiness and wellbeing.

Couples live-in care involves a care companion coming into the home and offering tailored services to both partners. This may involve help with medication, completing household tasks, offering emotional support, or helping with personal care such as bathing or using the bathroom.

Though domiciliary care and live-in care both allow customers to remain in their own homes, a live-in carer provides more round-the-clock services and helps in more household tasks. They will support a customer through regular daily activities, able to help with household chores like cleaning and cooking.

Couples live-in care includes a wide range of personal support tailored to the needs of both partners. This may include: emotional support, chores, regulating medication, helping to stand/move, toileting, and companionship.

They are many financial support options to help fund couples live-in care services. Depending on the health specifics of the customers, your family may qualify for healthcare, social care, or other funding.

The Guardian Live-In Care team are caring, patient, and supportive companions. Beyond that, they’re also locals. They understand your area and the lifestyle attached to it, readily available to lend a helping hand and ensure that this next chapter of your loved ones’ lives remains as familiar as possible for them.

Our Partners

Wondering if Couples
Live-In Care is Right for
Your Loved Ones?

Making decisions around care services can be a tiring endeavour. We understand this, and at Guardian Live-In Care we value the opportunity to support families through this difficult time. We want to help you make the right decision for you and your loved ones, so if you think that couples live-in care may be the option you’ve been looking for, we would love to talk you through this decision. Contact us today for advice, support, and to find your perfect care companion.

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From when to choose it and what types of support there are, to how much it costs, and how to get funding.

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