Live-In Care

Tailored live-in care services from the comfort of your own home.

Considering Live-In
Care For Your
Loved One?

When a family member needs support, it can take a large toll on their loved ones. It isn’t easy to care for somebody, especially when they need that support day-to-day to complete routine tasks. Live-in care involves an experienced care companion being on hand to support with all these necessary daily activities, without the upheaval of moving into a shared care home. Your loved one gets to remain comfortable in their own home, maintaining valuable independence, whilst receiving all the assistance and support they require.

Personalised one-on-one care is something that simply cannot be offered in a care home, where the ratio of care staff and customers doesn’t allow for tailored services. Live-in care is the option that puts you and your family in control. It offers the services you need, when you need them, all from the comforting familiarity of home. Not only will your loved one have constant companionship and support, but you can rest easy knowing that they are cared for and have the full attention of their care companion. That way, you can rest and take care of yourself, too.

How Does Live-In
Care Work?

Live-in care looks different for every single person who needs the services. Live-in care and support ensures that your loved one will receive everything they need as soon as they need it, and the finer details can all be adjusted to best suit your family. Live-in care companions provide support and companionship, support with personal care, able to support you in household tasks as well as offer invaluable emotional support to their customer.

The inclusions all depend on what you and your family require. A care companion is able to plan and cook meals, organise trips into the local community, help with domestic tasks such as cleaning, care for pets, and generally keep the household running. On the other hand, they’re likewise trained to handle a variety of essential care services. This may include management of medication, health monitoring, help standing/moving, continence support, bathing, and many more services.

The Benefits of Live-In Care

With so many care options available, you may be wondering what live-in care has to offer that other services don’t. Here are just a few of the benefits that have so many families opting for live-in services:

The Comfort of Home

Nursing homes and care homes can be wonderful, but for many it can be overwhelming to completely uproot their life. Live-in care offers services from the comfort and familiarity of home, with treasured personal items and memories all around.

Carer-Customer Relationships

When your loved one lives in a care home, building trusting relationships with carers can be a challenge. Staff come and go as shifts change, and with so many people under their care at once, the level of attention and quality time is spread thin. Welcoming a live-in care companion into the home ensures that your loved one receives the dedicated 1:1 attention they deserve, allowing them to build a relationship of trust, comfort and often friendship, all in the comfort of their own space.

Tailored Care

Unlike care homes, which need to adopt more generic care plans to accommodate a large number of patients at once, live-in care provides the freedom to completely customise care plans to suit your loved one’s needs. Undivided attention means our companions are able to work flexibly around your specific needs and goals, whatever that may look like.

Contact Us to
Find a Live-In
Care Companion

Think live-in care is the right option for you and your loved one? Guardian Live-In Care is the experienced team to have on your side as you enter this new chapter. Enquire about our services today to take that first step towards getting the care you deserve.

Meet The
Guardian Live-In
Care Team

Guardian Live-In Care offers our unmatched care services to homes all throughout the Grampian and Tayside areas. Our care companions offer a personalised approach to all their work, ensuring that every single customer is receiving the unique types of care they need to remain healthy and comfortable. Our companions can offer all the support you may need, including services across medication regulation, mobility, continence, or emotional support.

Frequently Asked
Questions About
Live-In Care

Live-in care involves a trained care companion coming to care for and provide valuable help for a person in their home, offering assistance and care as needed. A live-in care companion can be a source of practical daily help such as doing the chores that may have become harder for a person to do themselves, or perhaps just being a source of emotional support and companionship.

There are all sorts of reasons somebody may need the help of a live-in care companion. It may be that age is making daily life in the house difficult, or illness, but ultimately live-in care is for anybody who needs the support of a care companion but wishes to remain in the comfort of their own space. And it isn’t just the person in need of care who benefits – all their loved ones will feel how much easier life becomes with a helping hand around the house.

The benefit of live-in care is that it can be entirely tailored to each individual person requiring care. A care companion will live-in with the customer, and are able to help with medication, complete household tasks, give hygienic support, or simply be a companion.

Domiciliary care and live-in care are similar in that they allow a person to remain within the comforting familiarity of their own home. However, a live-in care companion actually lives in the customers home and therefore provides more support for regular daily activities, such as household chores, and is a service that allows for full customisation to the unique needs of your loved one.

Live-in care includes a variety of personal and household support. This may include: emotional support, chores, medication support, helping to stand/move, personal care support, and companionship.

There are a variety of options to support you financially as you seek to employ a live-in care companion. Depending on the specifics of your situation, you may qualify for healthcare, social care, or other funding.

Members of the Guardian Live-In Care team aren’t only experienced and professional – they’re also locals. They understand your lifestyle, your area, and are readily available to lend a helping hand. We seek to employ patient and caring individuals that understand how vital this role can be in improving the lives of others. Here, we seek to provide the service and care we’d want for any of our loved ones.

Our Partners

Wondering if Live-In Care
is Right for Your Loved One?

Transitioning into the use of care services can be difficult. At Guardian Live-In Care, we seek to help families make the right decisions for them, making the process as easy as possible for all involved. Our support services come with years of experience and knowledge from the industry, and you can trust that working with us will provide you with unmatched care. Reach out to our team today to discuss live-in care and find out if it may be the right choice for you and your loved one.

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Discover everything you need to know about live-in care

From when to choose it and what types of support there are, to how much it costs, and how to get funding.

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