Specialist Live-In Care

Specialised live-in care from experienced professionals.

Looking for Specialist Live-In Care for Your Loved One?

There is a multitude of reasons somebody may need live-in care. Sometimes, it can be the best solution for a serious condition or illness that has left somebody unable to take care of themselves. This may be Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, spinal injury, multiple sclerosis, stroke recovery, or a variety of other mental or physical conditions.

When this is the case, it’s reassuring to know your loved one is being taken care of by an expert who understands how to best care for somebody who has a specific condition. At Guardian Live-In Care, we work with a number of trained specialists who can help provide all the tailored care an individual may require.

How Does Specialist
Live-In Care Work?

Specialist live-in care looks different for everybody. The foundation of what it offers is constant care and support, ensuring that your loved one receives all the help they need as soon as they need it. Working with a specialist in this regard simply means that you will have somebody who is trained and experienced in caring for the specific needs and conditions your loved one may have, ensuring that all they do is built to best service them.

What these services include will vary greatly depending on the person. For some, it may be health monitoring, help relieving pain, administering medication, providing aid to move safely around the house. Or, it could be a bit more domestic, with the care companion getting involved in household duties such as cooking and cleaning. They can help with memory, continence, personal care, and any range of specialist services your loved one may require.

Each case is different, and therefore considered on a case by case approach, starting with a conversation.

The Benefits of Specialist Live-In Care

If you’re looking into specialist care services, chances are that there are specific requirements a care companion will need to be able to fulfil for your loved one. To help you as you consider bringing in a live-in care companion, we’ve outlined a few of the benefits this service can offer:

The Comfort of Home

Residential care homes can be great, and can often provide the specialist care you need from a trained professional. However, live-in care has the capacity to go even further, allowing for the familiarity of remaining in a comfortable environment that your loved one knows well. Moving out can be a massive and overwhelming change for many, so live-in care can give you the specialist services you need without the hassle of having to leave home.

Carer-Client Relationships

In large residential homes, the ratio of patients to carers may not allow for a personalised relationship. Your specialist care companion will be wholly dedicated to your loved one, able to build a relationship of trust and comfort that will be invaluable as time goes on.

Tailored Care

With nobody else to come into consideration, your specialist care plan can take whatever form you need it to. Live-in care ensures that all routines, schedules, and plans revolve around the preferences and needs of your loved one, keeping them as comfortable and happy as possible.

Contact Us to
Find a Specialist
Live-In Care Companion

Looking for a live-in care companion, but know you’ll need to find a specialist? We can help you out. Reach out to the Guardian Live-In Care team today to discuss what you’re looking for and get your questions answered.

Meet Your
Specialist Team

Guardian Live-In Care has been setting the standard for great quality care for some time now. We work all across the Grampian and Tayside areas. We’re proud of our dedicate companions, and know that whoever you work with from our team will be a trustworthy and reliable care companion for your loved one.

Frequently Asked
Questions About
Specialist Care

Live-in care involves a trained care companion coming to care for and provide valuable help for a person in their home, offering assistance and medical care as needed. Specialist live-in care simply means that on top of this, your care companion will be trained to best manage to specific needs of your loved one’s conditions.

Specialist live-in care is a great option for anybody requiring care from a specialist, due to a condition or illness that may need extra services, that wishes to remain in the comfort of their own home.

What makes live-in care great is that it can be entirely tailored to each individual person requiring care. A care companion will be available as needed to offer treatment, help with medication, complete household tasks, give hygienic support, or simply be a companion.

Domiciliary care and live-in care are similar in that they both care for a person within their own home. However, a specialist live-in care companion offers more round-the-clock support as required and domestic aid such as household chores. Specialist live-in care companions offer a service that allows for full customisation to the unique needs of your loved one.

Specialist live-in care includes a variety of personal and household support, as well as specific services related to your loved one’s condition, all delivered by a qualified expert. This may include: emotional support, chores, regulating medication, helping to stand/move, toileting, and companionship.

There are a variety of options to support you financially as you seek to employ a live-in care companion. Depending on the specifics of your situation, you may qualify for healthcare, social care, or other funding.

Members of the Guardian Live-In Care team aren’t only experienced and professional – they’re also locals. They understand your lifestyle, your area, and are readily available to lend a helping hand. We seek to employ patient and caring individuals that understand how vital this role can be in improving the lives of others. Here, we seek to provide the service and care we’d want for any of our loved ones.

Our Partners

Looking for a Specialist
Care Companion?

One of our top priorities here at Guardian Live-In Care is to help people find the care that is going to work best for them and their loved ones. If you’re looking for a specialist care companion to step in and help someone you care about, we can help source the perfect companion for you. Contact us today to chat to a team member about your situation, and allow us to find the live-in care companion that can offer everything you need and more.

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From when to choose it and what types of support there are, to how much it costs, and how to get funding.

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